Paseo de las Esculturas: An Open-Air Museum in Azuqueca

"Artistas y personal de CAPA Esculturas posan junto al hito cultural del evento en El Paseo de las Esculturas en Azuqueca de Henares, destacando las nuevas incorporaciones al museo al aire libre.

A Growing Arts Initiative

The Paseo de las Esculturas in Azuqueca de Henares continues to grow and consolidate as a real open-air museum. This is possible thanks to the incorporation of new winning works of the Local Sculpture Award Villa de Azuqueca. This project, started in 2022 with the sculptures “Paseantes” by Alicia Rubio and “Babel” by José Medina, has added this year the pieces “Navegantes” by Valentín Romero Sánchez and “Equilibrio” by Guadalupe Cano Bejarano, winners of the 2023 contest.

The aim of the walk is to enrich the urban space and bring sculptural art to the citizens of Azuqueca de Henares. Thus, it becomes a cultural and artistic meeting point. The last installation was made by Capa Esculturas, together with the artists and the City Council. It was inaugurated with the local community, who celebrated with joy and expectation the arrival of the new works.

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The sculptures installed represent the talent and creativity of local artists and also reflect the commitment of Azuqueca de Henares with the promotion of culture and art. The idea is that, year after year, the promenade will be transformed into a route full of works that invite reflection and aesthetic enjoyment. Thus, it will become a tourist and cultural attraction for both visitors and residents.

The sculpture “Navegantes” by Valentín Romero Sánchez, winner of the first prize, is a work that captures the spirit of exploration in movement, evoking journeys and discoveries through reading.

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On the other hand, “Equilibrio” by Guadalupe Cano Bejarano, who won second prize, is a reflection on the harmony and stability of the ever-changing world. Both pieces significantly enrich the Paseo de las Esculturas, adding new dimensions and perspectives to the space.,

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The Lost Wax Casting Technique

The sculpture “Vacío” by Arancha Barrio, placed at the beginning of the promenade, reinforces the city’s commitment to art and culture. This action turns the space into a point of reference for sculpture lovers.

The lost wax casting technique is an art in itself. It begins with the creation of a detailed wax model, which can be painstakingly worked to achieve the highest level of detail.

This wax model is covered with a heat-resistant ceramic mold. Once the mould has hardened, it is heated so that the wax melts and comes out, leaving an empty space to be filled with molten bronze. The bronze, as it solidifies, takes the exact shape of the original model, capturing even the finest details.

This method not only ensures a faithful reproduction of the original model, but also gives the sculpture a resistance that allows it to withstand inclement weather. Therefore, these works are ideal for outdoor exhibition. Lost wax casting has historically been used to create iconic sculptures. At Capa Esculturas, we are proud to continue this tradition, combining ancient techniques with modern technologies to produce high quality works of art.

Sculpture Walk and Citizenship: A Cultural Encounter

The Paseo de las Esculturas not only beautifies the city of Azuqueca de Henares, but also plays a fundamental role in the democratisation of art. By bringing sculptures closer to people’s daily lives, it creates an environment where art becomes an integral part of the urban landscape. This space allows citizens to enjoy the works as they walk by, encouraging a direct, everyday interaction with art.

The installation of the sculptures “Navegantes” and “Equilibrio” is a further step towards the creation of a cultural environment accessible to all. The placement of the cultural landmark with the sculpture “Vacío” by Arancha Barrio at the beginning of the promenade reinforces the city’s commitment to art and culture. This gesture marks this space as a point of reference for sculpture lovers.

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The presence of these works in the public space transforms the daily experience of citizens. They may encounter the art on their way to work, during an evening stroll or on a sightseeing tour.

Art in public spaces has the power to humanize and enrich the urban environment, creating places of contemplation and conversation. In Azuqueca de Henares, the Paseo de las Esculturas has become a clear symbol of how culture and art can be integrated into the life of a community. Thus, this space offers everyone the opportunity to enjoy and learn in an enriching environment.

Collaboration and Acknowledgements

This project would not have been possible without the close collaboration between Capa Esculturas and the City Council of Azuqueca de Henares. The trust placed in our facilities and casting techniques has been crucial for the realization of these works. We are deeply grateful for this collaboration, which allows us to continue contributing to the beautification and cultural enrichment of the city.

The Paseo de las Esculturas is an example of how the union between artists, institutions and citizens can transform an urban space into a wonderful open-air museum, accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Dedication and joint effort make it possible for Azuqueca de Henares to become a cultural reference in the region, attracting visitors and improving the lives of its inhabitants.

We invite everyone to visit the Sculpture Walk, to stroll among the works and be inspired by the beauty and meaning of each one. Each sculpture tells a story and offers a unique perspective, and together they create a cultural mosaic that reflects the richness and diversity of local artistic talent.

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