Antonio Pereira: Eternal in Villafranca with his sculpture

Escultura restaurada de Antonio Pereira sentada en un banco en el Jardín de la Alameda, Villafranca del Bierzo

In the heart of Villafranca del Bierzo, in the Alameda Garden, a corner full of history and culture, stands the sculpture of Antonio Pereira, the illustrious poet and writer of the region. This work of art, cast in the facilities of Capa Esculturas, has become a tangible tribute to the life and work of Pereira. The figure of the poet, seated on a bench, recalls the moments of reflection he spent in this very place, surrounded by the nature that inspired him so much.

A sculpture that connects Art and Memory

Antonio Pereira’s sculpture, which was inaugurated in June 2023 as part of the celebrations for the centennial of his birth, has captured the essence of the poet thanks to a meticulous artistic process.

Designed in 3D from photographs of the author, the statue shows Pereira with a deep and serene gaze, sitting on his favorite bench. This project not only seeks to immortalize the writer, but also to bring him closer to current and future generations who visit the Alameda Garden, a space that inspired many of his works.

The president of the Antonio Pereira Foundation, Joaquín Otero, emphasized during the inauguration the importance of remembering the author as “a lyrical poet, the more lyrical the better”. That lyrical essence has been impregnated in every detail of the sculpture, from his serene expression to his iconic glasses, an element that, according to Pereira himself, defined his particular way of seeing the world and transmitting it in his texts.

This project is another example of Capa Esculturas’ commitment to the creation of works that not only faithfully reflect a person’s image, but also their spirit, their way of being and their artistic legacy. The piece, made of bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, stands out for its durability and elegance.

Antonio Pereira's sister sitting next to the sculpture of her brother in Villafranca del Bierzo.

Restoration and recovery after vandalism

A few days after the installation of the sculpture, in July 2023, it was the object of a regrettable act of vandalism in which Pereira’s characteristic glasses were ripped off. This fact outraged the cultural community of Villafranca, since the glasses were a representative symbol of the writer, who mentioned them in his writings as “glass-assed”, referring to his unique way of looking at life.

At Capa Esculturas, the commitment is not only to create, but also to preserve the memory through conservation and restoration. Thus, after this incident, the Antonio Pereira Foundation decided to restore the sculpture, giving him back his glasses and restoring his gaze, as emblematic as his words.

Two months later, in September 2023, the sculpture was again presented in all its splendor. In addition, a significant inscription was added on the bench supporting the sculpture: “The silent friendship of the stars. Antonio Pereira (1923-2009)”, a phrase that summarizes the contemplative and close character of the author. This event was attended by great figures such as Juan Carlos Mestre, friend and companion of the poet.

Detail of the embroidery in relief with the phrase “La amistad callada de los astros. Antonio Pereira 1923-2009”

Capa Sculptures: Where Art Meets History

The bronze work carried out by Capa Esculturas is not only technical, but also imbued with respect and sensitivity towards the figures they represent. The artistic casting of bronze, a laborious process that combines art and technique, allows the creation of works that endure over time, as is the case of Antonio Pereira’s sculpture. This type of project reflects Capa Esculturas’ ability to fuse emotions, memories and legacy into pieces that connect with the community and with history.

Conservation and restoration is also a fundamental part of our commitment. Each piece we create or restore has a cultural value that transcends time, as demonstrated by the recent work to recover the Pereira sculpture. Our goal is to restore each work to its original form, allowing its history and meaning to remain intact.

Antonio Pereira’s sculpture in Villafranca del Bierzo is much more than a work of art; it is a tribute to his literary legacy and his connection to his homeland.

Through the work of Capa Esculturas, his figure has been immortalized, both in bronze and in the memory of those who visit the Alameda Garden. With the recent restoration of the piece, the community not only celebrates the poet, but also the capacity of art to resist time and vandalism, returning the sculpture to its original essence.

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