First edition of the International Sculpture Contest!

First edition of the International Sculpture Contest Jury: WE ARE ALREADY PREPARING THE SECOND EDITION FOR 2021! We will keep you informed of it, but in the meantime… We share with you the interviews with the winners in this first edition! Clic here: Know more about Diego Canogar First prize: Special mentions: Ernesto Graupera Paul … Read more

César Orrico

César Orrico was born in 1984 in Logroño, La Rioja. From an early age he showed a great interest in art, which led him to study Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid. During his time at university, he stood out for his dedication and talent, obtaining top marks and being awarded an honourable … Read more

Jose Cháfer

Jose Cháfer: sculpting the balance of nature Jose Cháfer, Madrid 1991, is a sculptor whose work is deeply inspired by nature and its phenomenons. An analytical observer, Cháfer contemplates the infinite variety of shapes, textures and colours that nature unfolds, and distils them into his art, exploring the intrinsic interconnectedness woven into the tapestry of … Read more

Diego Canogar

Biography Diego Canogar, born in 1966 in Spain, is a leading sculptor known for his unique approach to art, treating it as three-dimensional drawings. A graduate in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid, Canogar has developed a technique that fuses materials and light to give shape and colour to his works. Inspired by … Read more

Proud of our first International Sculpture Contest!

At Capa Esculturas we are deeply proud to announce the resounding success of our first International Sculpture Contest. An initiative that has exceeded all our expectations and has allowed us to discover the talent of artists from all over the world. Participating works The competition was very well received, with more than 100 entries from … Read more

We visit Lorenzo Quinn’s studio in Barcelona

Lorenzo Quinn mostrando su estudio de Barcelona

Capa Esculturas had the privilege of visiting the renowned artist Lorenzo Quinn in his studio in Barcelona. An inspiring encounter that allowed us to delve into the creative process of one of today’s most outstanding sculptors and to get a close-up look at his impressive works. A journey through creativity The visit began with a … Read more

The imagination of Chus Burés lands in Capa

Foto de Chus Burés en la visita a Capa Esculturas

Capa Esculturas had the honour of welcoming the renowned artist Chus Burés to its facilities, where he delighted us with his talent and passion for jewellery design. Chus Burés, a name that resonates in the design world for her unique and characteristic style. His visit to Capa was an opportunity to immerse ourselves in his … Read more

Incremental sheet forming

Investment in R&D as a key to success At Capa Esculturas, investment in research and development (R&D) is a cornerstone of our philosophy. We strongly believe in the power of innovation to push the boundaries of creativity and offer unique solutions to our customers. A commitment to cutting-edge technology Thanks to our commitment to R&D, … Read more

Client-artist event

On 18 July 2019, our installations in Arganda del Rey were transformed into a stage for innovation and creativity. This client-artist event, organised by Ricardo Santonja of the association Mínimo Tamaño Grande and the international art curator Bárbara Mur, had as its main objective to explore the role of new technologies in the art of … Read more